
JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Opening Speech
Prof. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017
The True Anti-­Aging Medicine
Prof. DR. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017
Kompetensi Dokter Dalam Praktek Anti Aging Medicine

JakINCAAM 2017
Kegiatan Kefarmasian di Dalam Praktek Anti-­Aging Medicine

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Coffee Break

JakINCAAM 2017
Obesity in perspective of AAM
Prof. DR. Dr. Wimpie P, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017
What Happened to Your Fat Metabolism When You’re Aging
Dr. Rita Lahirin, M.Biomed(AAM), M.Gizi

JakINCAAM 2017
The Role of Carbo Blocker in Obesity Management
Dr. Nenden Lilis Setiasih, SpKK, FINSDV, MM

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Lunch Break (ISHOMA)

JakINCAAM 2017
Lipid Disorder and Thyroid Problem
DR. Dr Dante Saksono, SpPD-­KEMD

JakINCAAM 2017
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Body and Face Contouring
Dr. Dian Andriani, SpKK, M.Biomed (AAM), MARS

JakINCAAM 2017
Essential Laboratory Testing for Obesity
Prof. DR. Dr. Suzanna Immanuel, Sp.PK-­‐K

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Coffee Break

JakINCAAM 2017
Visceral Fat: Endocrine point of View
DR. Dr. Aris Wibudi SpPD KEMD

JakINCAAM 2017
Decreased Testosterone and Metabolic Syndrome
Prof. DR. Dr. Wimpie P, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017
Decreased GH and Obesity
Dr Heru Oentoeng MRepro, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017