
JakINCAAM 2017
Molecular & Genetic Factors Contributing in Fat Metabolism
Prof. DR. Dr. Wahyuning Ramelan, SpAnd

JakINCAAM 2017
Sugar and Lipid Interelation
Dr Indra Politan, SpPD, M.Biomed (AAM), FAARFM, FSCM

JakINCAAM 2017
Sugar and Sugar Substitute Role on Obesity
Ray Sugianto, MD, MNutr, BMedSc

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Coffee Break

JakINCAAM 2017
Obesity and Lipoprotein Metabolism
DR. Dr. Samuel Oetoro. M.S., SpGK

JakINCAAM 2017
Role of Lipid Mediators in Inflammation and The Effect on Aging
DR. Dr. Inge Permadhi. M.S., SpGK

JakINCAAM 2017
Inflammation, Gut Dysbiosis and Central Obesity Interrelationships
Dr Indra Politan, SpPD, M.Biomed (AAM), FAARFM, FSCM

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Lunch Break (ISHOMA)

JakINCAAM 2017
Antioksidan for Dislipidemia
Drl. Luman, M.Gizi

JakINCAAM 2017
Update: Management of Acne Scar
Dr. Nenden Lilis Setiasih, SpKK, FINSDV, MM

JakINCAAM 2017
What is Lamine-­‐5 Role in Dermal Epidermal Junction (DEJ)
Dr. Dian Andriani, SpKK, M.Biomed (AAM), MARS

JakINCAAM 2017
Daily Exercise Reducing Fat
Dr Albertus Quarino, SpKO

JakINCAAM 2017
AGEs and Inflammation in Skin Aging Process, how to Prevent and Reverse It
Dr. Liza Widjaja, M.Biomed (AAM), M.Pharm

JakINCAAM 2017

JakINCAAM 2017
Coffee Break

JakINCAAM 2017
Ghrelin, Leptin, Adiponektin, And Obesity
DR. Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, M.S., SpGK

JakINCAAM 2017
Botox for V Face Sculpting and How to Manage Botox Complication in Aesthetic Procedures
Dr Abraham Arimuko, SpKK, MARS, FINS DV, FAADV

JakINCAAM 2017